If Kate Were A Bird And What To Do For A Photo Project

Ha! She would be the cleanup crew. And, a slightly more attractive one at that.
I always give Kate shit about getting her own life. She is the queen of sitting around and waiting for someone else to have an idea. If Bella has a hankering for a game of tug she … tada! … brings me a tug. Kate has never, ever, never in the seven and a half years I have had her just brought me toy because she felt like it. As soon as someone else decides to play she is all over it. She is ready to go 100% at the drop of a hat. No warm up time or convincing needed. Never first in line, though.
It’s so weird how personalities work.
Kate is a very good dog. Largely, though, she’s good because it simply doesn’t occur to her to do something bad. However, it also doesn’t occur to her to something good. At the last place I lived we had a doggy door. Great for Bella. Kate? Not so much. She wouldn’t go through it unless you told her to. Kind of defeats the purpose of being able to go outside and potty when you only go out to potty when you are specifically told to do so.
My little un-questioning worker bee
I would like to do some sort of photo project for next year, but I don’t know what. None of those 365 things. I am no fan of commitment and saying I will do something every single day for a year is just setting myself up to fail. Even just typing that stressed me out. Hell, a 52 weeks project may be too much. I want to feel like it’s a fun thing to be doing, not another job, you know? I was thinking about doing some version of a Big Year. Maybe dogs instead of birds? Maybe traveling? Photographing something other than what I normally shoot? Monthly themes? Any of you want to do a blogging group thingy? Ideas?
I have been getting some shooting in on my week off. Handsome fellow, yes?
Ferruginous Hawk
Spend any time on flickr? This time of year is nothing but Christmas tree light bokah shots and Cedar Waxwings eating fruit.
Unless you are me.
No tree. No effing waxwings.
I love those guys but I’ll be damned if I ever see one. Got the fruit and get stuck with Robins. Boo.
Amazing how quiet these guys are when they take off. I make more noise getting out of a chair.
And even though it's sort of right up there with photographing pigeons, I still love my ever-cooperative Scrub Jays.