“Dear Mr. & Mrs. Sloane: I was so pleased to read the recent article in The Acorn regarding your incredible work with Guide Dogs for the Blind. Please accept my appreciation for your generosity and service to our community. All of us at the City of Calabasas are proud to have you as part of our Calabasas Community.Warmest regards, Fred Gaines, Mayor Pro Tem.”
Within a week of this letter, Bonnie received an email from one of the district representatives of State Senator, Fran Pavley – it read:
“I am writing on behalf of State Senator Fran Pavley, who noticed a recent article in The Acorn that featured your volunteer work with Guide Dogs for the Blind. Senator Pavley has begun a program called “Volunteer of the Month” to recognize constituents’ outstanding volunteer efforts, and it’s our pleasure to honor your club this month for your caring and generous dedication to this program. The award involves an informal presentation of a certificate and inclusion of an article and photograph in the Senator’s monthly e-newsletter.”
Puppies with a Vision Certificate of Recognition from State Senator Fran Pavley
Puppies with a Vision was thrilled to be recognized in this way and even made arrangements with the representative, Sarah Tamor, to have her join them at their next meeting to present the certificate. After the meeting at the local fire house, Ms. Tamor arranged for several Puppies with a Vision members to visit Senator Pavley’s office to meet her in person – so earlier this month, six puppy club members and five puppies-in-training visited with Senator Pavley and learned of her appreciation for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Thank you, Senator Pavley, for being such a wonderful supporter of GDB and for recognizing Puppies with a Vision.
Fran Pavley's official website newsletter recognizes Puppies with a Vision
Puppy raisers from Puppies with a Vision visit State Senator Fran Pavley at her office
“So after all was said and done, our puppy club was written up in the local press, received recognition from the mayor of our city, received a commendation as Volunteer of the Month, and had a private meeting with our State Senator,” said Bonnie Sloane. “And all this started with submitting the GDB press release template to our local paper!”
Here is the link to the original article published in The Acorn: http://m.theacorn.com/news/2013-02-21/Pets/Calabasas_couple_raises_and_trains_puppies_to_help.html