Old Dog License

How do they decide it’s time for this? Puppy license is easy. That is granted by the older dogs who decide to give a little shit a break ‘cause they don’t know any better yet, right? I don’t recall granting anyone anything. I would love to know the thought process involved with the oldies. It’s really funny to watch my Best Good Dog decide that there is no way I could possibly be talking to her.

 “Come?” “Sit?” “Wait?” 

Must be talking to Kate.


She has also become incredibly fickle. One toy does not do anymore. She decided a few months ago that she doesn't want to chase the same ball as Kate anymore. OK, you don’t feel like keeping your eye on Kate and the ball. Fair enough. Now, she prefers a rotation of toys. 

Friz works for a while


Then kicking ball


Then chuck-it ball


Then a roll and done


Kate will still make this face for anything airborne 


She’s good like that
