Golden Summer

By: Susan Mooney

She came to us
a fluffy butterball
inquisitive brown eyes
open to an undiscovered world

Seasons changed while she grew

Autumn leaves blowing
in the wind like butterflies
as she munched on them --
nature's potato chips

Winter brought snow angels
four-pawed snowplowing
jumping and twisting Snoopy-like in the drifts

Spring blossoms and returning birds
a scenic backdrop as she went off to
Read to A Dog at local schools, church,
hanging out under restaurant tables,
and other venues of life in a small town

Summer arrived in time for mountain hikes,
clear streams, blowing bubbles in Junction Creek
while bobbing for rocks,
concerts, theater visits and
sleepovers with other puppy raisers

Soon this grownup Golden Girl
will head off to Guide Dog school
her world will enlarge
our world without her will shrink

But wait! The puppy truck arrives
and our joyous whirlwind begins anew

The Mooneys hold their puppy at the Puppy Truck stop